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Inner Mongolia Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Graduate Program Enrollment Guide 2024-2025

作者:   来源:      发布日期:2023-12-05   浏览:

Founded in 1952, Inner Mongolia Normal University is the earliest established higher education institution by the Chinese Communist Party and the State Government in the border ethnic areas after the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key university in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and a comprehensive normal university with distinctive characteristics of teacher education and ethnic education. The university offers 102 undergraduate majors, covering 10 disciplines, including 8 first-level disciplines with the right to confer doctoral degrees, 3 post-doctoral research stations, 26 first-level disciplines with the right to confer master's degrees, and 16 professional master degrees. There are more than 30,000 students in the school, and more than 290,000 graduates have been trained. Focusing on the goal of "double first-class", the university has continuously optimized its global cooperation network, and has established good cooperative relations with more than 20 countries and more than 80 well-known domestic universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises and institutions, and local governments.

The "High-level Graduate Students" program of the Chinese Government Scholarship aims to select international students with excellent academic background, professional ability and future development potential. Inner Mongolia Normal University will give full play to the advantages and characteristics of its disciplines and strive to cultivate high-level international talents.

I. Enrollment category and scholarship duration

1. Enrollment category: full-time master's and doctoral students

2. Master's degree students: The duration of professional study is 3 academic years

Doctoral students: The duration of professional study is 3-4 academic years

Note: You can apply for 1 academic year of Chinese tuition (limited to Chinese-taught classes).

II. Scholarship content

1. Tuition-free

2. Provide free on-campus accommodation

3. Provide scholarship for living expenses

--3,000 yuan/month for master's students

--3,500 yuan/month for doctoral students

4. Provide comprehensive medical insurance for international students in China

III. Eligibility

1. Non-Chinese citizens, physically and mentally healthy, abide by Chinese laws and regulations and school rules and regulations;

2. Age, Education and Language Requirements:

(1) Applicants for master's degree programs must have a bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35;

(2) Applicants for doctoral degree programs must have a master's degree and be under the age of 40;

(3) Language requirements: Applicants with Chinese as the professional language of instruction must have the Chinese level of the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) level 4 Chinese; (HSK certificate is not required if candidate has obtained a Chinese higher education degree taught in Chinese )

3. Students should have excellent academic performance and should meet the admission requirements of the school in terms of academic ability, language proficiency and other relevant aspects.

4. Outstanding undergraduate graduates and master's graduates who meet the above conditions can also apply.

IV. Application materials

1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (signature of the applicant is required).

2. The first page of your passport. If the validity period of your current passport does not meet the requirements (the passport valid time should be later than September 2025), please renew your passport in time.

3. Notarized certificate of highest academic qualifications. If the applicant is a current student, he or she must also submit a certificate of expected graduation or proof of enrollment issued by the school he or she is attending.

4. Academic transcripts. (from undergraduate level). Scanned copies of transcripts should include the results of the undergraduate, master's (if any), doctoral (if any) study stage up to the most recent semester. Transcripts should be issued and stamped by the Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School, or relevant student administration department of the school attended. Transcripts in Chinese/English can be provided, and if they are in a foreign language other than English, an English translation and notarization are required.

5. Proof of language proficiency. Applicants with Chinese as the professional medium of instruction must provide HSK 4 or above score report (within the validity period).

6. Study plan in China (This is key materials for evaluation and review). A study plan (no less than 1000 words) written in Chinese or English should be submitted. Doctoral students must be signed by the Chinese supervisor, and the study plan can only be written in Chinese or English.

7. Letters of recommendation. Submit recommendation letters from two professors or associate professors, the content of which should focus on the applicant's study objectives in China, the cooperation between the Chinese institution or the Chinese supervisor and the foreign tutor or the inter-school exchange, as well as the evaluation of the student's comprehensive ability and future development, which can only be written in Chinese or English.

8. Personal works. Applicants for art, design and other majors can upload personal works (such as images, paintings, etc.) through "Works/Other Supporting Materials", or provide them in other ways according to the requirements of the institution applied. Proof of honours and academic ability (if any) should be provided.

9. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (the original copy shall be kept by yourself. This form, uniformly printed by the Chinese Health and Quarantine Department, should be filled in English). Applicants should be examined in strict accordance with the items required in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. The Foreigner Physical Examination Form is invalid if there is missing information, or if it does not have a photograph of the applicant, or if does not have a seal on the photo, or if it is not signed and stamped by a physician or hospital, or if the test result is valid for 6 months.

10. Certificate of no criminal record. Applicants are required to submit a valid certificate of no criminal record issued by the local public security authority, which should normally be within 6 months before the date of submission of the application.

11. "Letter of Acceptance by the Tutor of Inner Mongolia Normal University", written in Chinese or English. This document is not a must for application, and will be used as one of the documents for the priority selection of the Chinese Government Scholarship.

Note: 1. Texts other than Chinese and English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English; 2. Materials uploaded through the system must be clear, true and valid. It is recommended that the applicant use professional equipment to scan the relevant documents to be submitted, and the consequences caused by the unclear or unrecognizable materials shall be borne by the applicant; 3. The application materials will not be returned regardless of whether they are admitted or not.

V. Application Procedures

Step 1: Log in to the "Chinese Government Scholarship Study in China Management System" (http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn) to register online (it is recommended to use Firefox or IE 11 browser. If you use IE browser, please cancel the "Compatibility View Mode" of the browser before using it).

Step 2: Log in to the system with the registered username and password. After logging in to the system, click on the application menu in the upper left corner, the type of application (Type): Class B, the acceptance institution number: 10135 (Inner Mongolia Normal University), and click the save button at the bottom right.

Step 3: Complete the entry of all application information and upload supplementary materials according to the list on the left side of the registration system page. Please refer to the Catalog of Master's Programs of Inner Mongolia Normal University and the Catalog of Doctoral Programs of Inner Mongolia Normal University. Please ensure the correctness and authenticity of the information and materials, and if you have any questions about the "subject category", you can download the "Professional Comparison Table" from the "Help" menu of the system. After filling in all the information, click the submit button at the bottom right to complete the online application.

Step 4: Before the application is accepted, the applicant can make amendments to the submitted application by clicking "Withdraw and Amend Application". Once the application has been withdrawn, the applicant must resubmit it after editing, otherwise the application will not be accepted. Once the application has been accepted, the applicant will not be able to withdraw the application.

Step 5: After completing the online application, click "Print Application" to download the "Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form" automatically generated by the system, and print it in duplicate.

Step 6: After the applicant submits the application, Inner Mongolia Normal University will organize material review and online interview to select the pre-admission candidates. The result will be notified to the applicants by email, who should reply in time whether or not they accept the offer.

Step 7: Inner Mongolia Normal University will recommend the pre-admitted students to the China Scholarship Council, and the China Scholarship Council will organize experts to review and determine the final admission candidates.

Note: Please be sure to fill in the correct email address and contact number, and check your mailbox regularly so as not to miss the notification.

VI. Application time and major

1. Application period: December 1, 2023 ----- March 10, 2024

2. Enrollment Major:

Inner Mongolia Normal University Master's Degree Enrollment Major Catalog (please refer to the attachment)

Inner Mongolia Normal University Doctoral Enrollment Majors Catalog (please see the attachment)

VII. Admission and Enrollment

1. The Chinese Government Scholarship Program is a free application program, our school does not charge any fees, and does not entrust any domestic and foreign institutions to enroll students on behalf of the school. Applicants must fill in and submit the relevant application materials in person.

2. Chinese Government Scholarship students are not allowed to enjoy other scholarships (excluding all kinds of one-time awards) established by the Chinese government at all levels and the admitted institutions at the same time. If such happens, the applicant’s Scholarship quanlification will be cancelled and the grant must be refunded. For those who deliberately conceal the fact of other financial sponsor, they are not allowed to apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship within three years except for disqualification.

3. If the application materials are falsified, once verified, the scholarship qualification will be cancelled. Those who fail to obtain the corresponding graduation certificate on time or fail the physical examination will be disqualified.

4. Inner Mongolia Normal University will send admission notices to Chinese Government Scholarship winners according to the admission list. Admitted scholarship students should apply for a study visa at Chines embassy (consulate) with a valid ordinary passport, Visa Application Form for Study in China (Form JW201), Admission Notice, Foreigner Physical Examination Record, and original certificates of highest academic qualifications and academic transcripts.

5. Admitted students must go through the registration procedures at Inner Mongolia Normal University in strict accordance with the time specified in the admission notice. Those who fail to complete the enrollment procedures for more than two weeks after the prescribed enrollment time will be disqualified. Please bring the admission notice, JW201 visa application form and the original relevant documents provided at the time of application when registering, and the school will conduct a second review.

VIII. Contact information

Email: duoduo817@126.com

Telephone: 13171412677, 13674744340

Website: http://www.imnu.edu.cn



International Exchange College,

Inner Mongolia Normal University,

81, Zhaowuda Road, Saihan District, Hohhot,

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China.



Attachment1:Majors in Admission for Doctoral Program of Inner Mongolia Normal University

序号No. 学科门类 Discipline Field 一级学科 First-level Discipline 专业 Major 学生类别 Category 学院 College
1 理学 Science 化学 Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 博研 Doctor's Degree 化学与环境科学学院 College of Chemistry and Environmental Science
2 理学 Science 科学技术史 History of Science and Technology 科学技术史 History of Science and Technology 博研 Doctor's Degree 科学技术史研究院 Institute for the History of Science and Technology
3 理学 Natural Sciences 地理学 Geography 地理学 Geography 博研 Doctor's Degree 地理科学学院 College of Geographical Sciences
4 理学 Natural Sciences 数学 Mathematics 应用数学 Applied Mathematics 博研 Doctor's Degree 数学科学学院 College of MathematicsScience
5 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 民族学 Ethnology 博研 Doctor's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
6 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy 博研 Doctor's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
7 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics 博研 Doctor's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
8 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History 博研 Doctor's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
9 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art 博研 Doctor's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
10 文学 Literature 中国语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature 文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art 博研 Doctor's Degree 蒙古学学院 College of Mongolian Studies
11 文学 Literature 中国语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature 中国少数民族语言文学 Chinese Ethnic Language 博研 Doctor's Degree 蒙古学学院 College of Mongolian Studies
12 文学 Literature 中国语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature 中国古代文学 Chinese Ancient Literature 博研 Doctor's Degree 蒙古学学院 College of Mongolian Studies
13 文学 Literature 中国语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature 中国古典文献学 Chinese Classical Philology 博研 Doctor's Degree 蒙古学学院 College of Mongolian Studies



Attachment 2:Majors in Admission for Master’s Program of Inner Mongolia Normal University

序号No. 学科门类 Discipline Field 一级学科 First-level Discipline 专业 Major 学生类别 Category 学院 College
1 物理学 physics 物理学 physics 无线电物理 Radio Physics 硕研 Master's Degree 物理与电子信息学院 College of Physics and Electronic Information
2 理学 Natural Science 环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering 环境工程 Environmental Engineering 硕研 Master's Degree 化学与环境科学学院 College of Chemistry and Environmental Science
3 理学 Natural Science 生物学 Biology 动物学 Zoology 硕研 Master's Degree 生命科学与技术学院 College of Life Science and Technology
4 理学 Natural Science 数学 Mathematics 应用数学 Applied Mathematics 硕研 Master's Degree 数学科学学院 College of MathematicsScience
5 工学 EngineeringSpecialties 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology 计算机应用技术 Computer Application Technology 硕研 Master's Degree 计算机科学与技术学院 College of Computer Science and
6 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 民族学 Ethnology 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
7 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
8 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
9 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
10 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
11 法学 Law 社会学 Sociology 社会学 Sociology 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
12 法学 Law 社会学 Sociology 人类学 Anthropology 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
13 法学 Law 社会学 Sociology 民俗学 Folklore 硕研 Master's Degree 民族学人类学学院 School Of Ethnology And Anthropology
14 法学 Law 民族学 Ethnology 民族旅游 Ethnic tourism 硕研 Master's Degree 旅游学院 Tourism College
15 艺术学 Art Theory 美术与书法 Fine Arts and Calligraphy 美术与书法 Fine Arts and Calligraphy 硕研 Master's Degree 美术学院 Art College
16 心理学 Psychological 心理学 Psychological 发展和教育心理学 Developmental and Educational Psychology 硕研 Master's Degree 心理学院 School of Psychology
17 心理学 Psychological 心理学 Psychological 基础心理学 Basic Psychological Studies 硕研 Master's Degree 心理学院 School of Psychology
18 教育学 Education 教育学 Education 课程与教学论 Curriculum & Methodology 硕研 Master's Degree 教育学院 College of Education
19 理学 Science 理学 Science 教育技术学 Educational Technology 硕研 Master's Degree 教育学院 College of Education
20 管理学 Management 管理学 Management 教育经济与管理 Educational Economics and Management 硕研 Master's Degree 教育学院 College of Education
21 教育学 Education 教育学 Education 民族教育学 Ethnic Pedagogy 硕研 Master's Degree 教育学院 College of Education
22 经济学 Economics 理论经济学 Theoretical Economics 西方经济学 Western Economics 硕研 Master's Degree 经济管理学院 College of Economicsand Management
23 经济学 Economics 理论经济学 Theoretical Economics 经济史 History of Economics 硕研 Master's Degree 经济管理学院 College of Economicsand Management
24 经济学 Economics 理论经济学 Theoretical Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学 Economics of Population, Resource and Environment 硕研 Master's Degree 经济管理学院 College of Economicsand Management
25 经济学 Economics 理论经济学 Theoretical Economics 政治经济学 Political Economics 硕研 Master's Degree 经济管理学院 College of Economicsand Management
26 新闻传播学 Journalism and communication 新闻传播学 Journalism and communication 新闻传播学 Journalism and communication 硕研 post graduate 新闻传播学院 School of Journalism and Communication
27 艺术学 The study of art 艺术学理论 The theory of art 影视史论研究 Research on film and television history 硕研 post graduate 新闻传播学院 School of Journalism and Communication
28 理学 Natural Sciences 地理学 Geography 自然地理 Physical Geography 硕研 Master's Degree 地理科学学院 College of GeographicalSciences
29 理学 Natural Sciences 地理学 Geography 人文地理 Human Geography 硕研 Master's Degree 地理科学学院 College of GeographicalSciences
30 理学 Natural Sciences 地理学 Geography 地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System 硕研 Master's Degree 地理科学学院 College of GeographicalSciences
31 体育学 Physical Education 体育学 Physical Education 运动人体科学 Kinesiology(human movement science) 硕研 Master's degree 体育学院 Institute of PhysicalEducation
32 体育学 Physical Education 体育学 Physical Education 民族传统体育学 national traditional sports 硕研 Master's degree 体育学院 Institute of PhysicalEducation
33 体育学 Physical Education 体育学 Physical Education 体育教育训练学 physical education and training 硕研 Master's degree 体育学院 Institute of PhysicalEducation
34 历史学 History 中国史 Chinese History 专门史 History of Particular Subjects 硕研 Master's Degree 历史文化学院 School of History andCulture
35 历史学 History 世界史 World History 世界地区史与国别史 Regional History and State History 硕研 Master's Degree 历史文化学院 School of History andCulture